WaterMicro23 (June 4-9, 2023, Darwin, Australia)


WaterMicro23 (June 4-9, 2023, Darwin, Australia)にて、以下の成果を発表します。→終了しました

Estimating actual infection number of SARS-CoV-2 based on virus amount in wasteater and state-space model (poster and short presentation)
Syun-suke Kadoya, Hiroyuki Katayama, Daisuke Sano

Mathematical optimization of sampling sites for wastewater surveillance (poster presentation)
Wakana Oishi, Yusuke Hara, Takamasa Iryo, Daisuke Sano

Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in water and fomites samples and their reduction after a water, sanitation, and hygiene intervention (poster presentation)
M. Amarasiri, S. Uprety, C. Konuma, B. Dangol, T. Furukawa, K. Sei, T.H. Nguyen, D. Sano

Temporal dynamics of class 1 integrons in hospital wastewater (poster presentation)
T. Yamamoto, M. Amarasiri, T. Furukawa, D. Sano, K. Sei

8th International Calicivirus Conference
6th IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment (June 26-29, Girona, Spain)
