Prof. Sano will give an invited lecture at the 2nd Aquatic Science Internationial Conference (Sep. 28-29, 2023, Online).→FINISHED Environmental factors related to the conjugation efficiency of antimicrobial resistance gene Daisuke Sano
Prof. Sano gives a keenote speech at the International Conference of Environment & Climate Change Research Institute, National Research Contre, Egypt (May 23, 2023, Online)→FINISHED Responses of RNA virus populations to disinfection: Toward control of viral infectious diseases Daisuke Sano
Prof. Sano will provide an invitation lecture at the 51st Annual Concention & Scientific Meeting of Philippine Society for Microbiology (July 21-22, 2022, online). Water disinfection and virus evolution Daisuke Sano
Prof. Sano and Asst. Prof. Oishi will give invited talks at China-Japan High-level Expert Symposium on Decarbonized Society and Green Innovation (Dec. 23, 2024, Aoba Memorial Hall, Tohoku University).→FINISHED Viral genetic diversity and its effect on disinfection susceptibility Daisuke Sano You can find details of this symposium from the following link: China-JapanHigh-levelExpertSymposium_20241223