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Academic paper

Free-Chlorine Disinfection as a Selection Pressure on Norovirus

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, July 2018 vol. 84 no. 13 e00244-18. Andri Taruna Rachmadi, Masaaki Kitajima, Kozo Watanabe, Sakiko Yaegashi, Joeselle Serrana, Arata Nakamura, Toyoko Nakagomi, Osamu Nakagomi, Kazuhiko Katayama, Satoshi Okabe and Daisuke Sano http://aem.asm.org/content/84/13/e00244-18.abstract

Ask the Editor: Journal of Water & Health

Interview of Assoc. Prof. Sano has been posted in IWA Publishing website: https://www.iwapublishing.com/news/ask-editor-journal-water-health Please go to the website of Journal of Water and Health if you are interested in it: http://jwh.iwaponline.com