Aken Puti Wanguyun, Assistant Professor

Research Topic

Viral population genetics under disinfection

Research Abstract

The emergence of infectious diseases become a serious threat to the human population which is caused by several infectious agents including viruses. An effective disinfection method is necessary to limit viral spreading and prevent viral infection. Several investigations found that virus disinfection sensitivity varied between viruses and even between highly related strains. Furthermore, the virus population might have an increased adaptation to disinfection exposure which becomes a challenge to achieve efficient disinfection of viral pathogen. This study aims to investigate the adaptation mechanism of the virus population against ethanol and chlorine exposure by revealing the disinfectant sensitivity and virus population genetics. Understanding the mechanism of the alteration in disinfection sensitivity of RNA virus population can allow improving the effective disinfection strategy to inactivate viruses and lower the risk of virus infection.

Academic Background

2009 – 2013: Bachelor of Science in Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

2015 – 2017: Master of Science in Biotechnology (specialisation Environmental and Biobased Technology), Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands


  1. Genetic diversity of murine norovirus associated with ethanol sensitivity
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, January 2025, 109, 28.
  2. Genetic diversity of murine norovirus populations less susceptible to chlorine
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Andri Rachmadi, Kazuhiko Katayama, Daisuke Sano
    Frontiers in Microbiology, section Virology, April 2024, 15, 1372641.
  3. Sensitivity evaluation of enveloped and non-enveloped viruses to ethanol using machine learning: a systematic review
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    Food and Environmental Virology, March 2024, 16(1), 1-13.
  4. The potential of probiotics of malondialdehide and gonadosomatic index of Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) after exposure of cadmium
    Alfiah Hayati, Afinia Primananda Taufiq, Windy Seftiarini, Aken Puti Wanguyun, M Amira, PAD Putra, B Muchtaromah
    IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 456.
  5. The effects of probiotics feed suplementation on Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in copper tainted water
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Alfiah Hayati, Budi Utomo
    Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2019, 25(7), S13-S17.
  6. Understanding pesticide degrading-microbe community using molecular approaches
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Almando Geraldi
    Pollution Research, 2019, 38(8), S118-S122.
  7. Bioprospecting thermostable enzymes-producing thermophiles from Indonesia
    Almando Geraldi, Aken Puti Wanguyun, Sucipto Hariyanto
    Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2019, 25(7), S75-S79.
  8. The performance of batik wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation process under variations of electrodes
    Budi Utomo, Masykuri, Musyawaroh, Aken Puti Wanguyun, Almando Geraldi
    Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2019, 25(7), S32-S36.
  9. Bioprospecting of cellulolytic and biosurfactant-producing bacteria for organic waste treatment
    Almando Geraldi, Ni’matuzahroh, Aken Puti Wanguyun
    Pollution Research, 2019, 38(8), S114-S117.
  10. Morphometric Variations of Fish From Brantas River, East Java, Indonesia
    Alfiah Hayati, Muhammad Fadhil Mirza Rasyad, Imam Dary Supriyadi Putra, Tri Nurhariyati, Muhammad Hilman Fu’adil Amin, Trisnadi Widyaleksono Catur Putranto, Aken Puti Wanguyun, Sugiharto, Mochammad Affandi
    Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2019, 25(4), S57-S61.

Conference Presentations

  1. The adaptation of murine norovirus populations to chlorine
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Andri Taruna Rachmadi, Kazuhiko Katayama, Daisuke Sano
    International Symposium for Food and Environmental Virology 2024
    Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation Plaza (June 9-14, 2024)
  2. Susceptibility of virus populations to disinfectants
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, ADaisuke Sano
    Human and Environmental Security Symposium
    Tohoku University (Jun. 6, 2024)
  3. Nucleotide diversity in less sensitive murine norovirus adapted to chlorine solution
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Andri Taruna Rachmadi, Kazuhiko Katayama, Daisuke Sano
    70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology
    Sendai International Center (Sep. 26-28, 2023)
  4. Chlorine disinfection and population genetics of murine norovirus
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    The 1st Internatinal Symposium for Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Wastewater Reclamatioin and Reuse
    Tohoku University (July 25, 2023)
  5. Nucleotide diversity and evolution rate of murine norovirus populations less sensitive to chlorine disinfection (poster presentation)
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Andri Taruna Rachmadi, Kazuhiko Katayama, Daisuke Sano
    8th International Calicivirus Conference
    Rotterdam, The Netherlands (May 7-11, 2023)
  6. Adaptation of viral populations to disinfectants
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Andri Taruna Rachmadi, Daisuke Sano
    The 4th GSES Forum
    GSES main building, Tohoku University (Oct 28, 2022)


  1. Professional Director for Sustainable Environment (PDSE)
    Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
    September 25th, 2024