大石 若菜 助教 / Wakana OISHI, Assistant Professor








2014年3月 北海道大学工学部環境社会工学科衛生環境工学コース 卒業
2016年3月 北海道大学大学院工学院環境創生工学専攻 修了
2016年4月 日立造船株式会社
2020年4月 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC2)(東北大学大学院工学研究科土木工学専攻)
2022年3月 東北大学大学院工学研究科土木工学専攻 修了(博士(工学))
2022年4月 東北大学大学院工学研究科土木工学専攻 環境水質工学研究室 助教


  1. 多視点に基づく集中分散ベストミックスの数理的探索


  1. Genetic diversity of murine norovirus associated with ethanol sensitivity
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, January 2025, 109, 28.
  2. 生活排水処理システムの多面的評価と集中分散ベストミックスのための数理最適化
    土木学会論文集, 2024, 80(25), 24-25036.
  3. Quantitative microbial risk assessment of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella enterica contaminating hydroponic leafy vegetables
    Shun Takayama, Qian Zhang, Ye Htut Zwe, Dan Li, Daisuke Sano, Wakana Oishi
    Microbial Risk Analysis, December 2024, 27-28, 100330.
  4. Quantitative evaluation of water, sanitation, and hygiene measures on COVID-19 pandemic peak reduction in the Philippines
    Sewwandi Bandara, Clyde Dapat, Wakana Oishi, Emmanuel Kagning Tsinda, Mayuko Saito, Daisuke Sano
    Science of the Total Environment, November 2024, 949, 175055.
  5. Identification of environmental, socioeconomic, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) factors associated with COVID-19 incidence in the Phillippines: A nationwide modelling study
    Sewwandi Bandara, Clyde Dapat, Wakana Oishi, Emmanuel Kagning Tsinda, Lea Necitas G. Apostol, Naoko Hirayama, Mayuko Saito, Daisuke Sano
    Science of the Total Environment, October 2024, 946, 174214.
  6. Genetic diversity of murine norovirus populations less susceptible to chlorine
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Andri Rachmadi, Kazuhiko Katayama, Daisuke Sano
    Frontiers in Microbiology, section Virology, April 2024, 15, 1372641.
  7. Sensitivity evaluation of enveloped and non-enveloped viruses to ethanol using machine learning: a systematic review
    Aken Puti Wanguyun, Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    Food and Environmental Virology, March 2024, 16(1), 1-13.
  8. Estimation of alkali dosage and contact time for treating human excreta containing viruses as an emergency response: A systematic review
    Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    Frontiers in Public Health, section Disaster and Emergency Medicine, November 2023, 10, 1286595.
  9. Decay rate estimation of respiratory viruses in aerosols and on surfaces under different environmental conditions
    Sewwandi Bandara, Wakana Oishi, Syun-suke Kadoya, Daisuke Sano
    International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, June 2023, 251, 114187.
  10. Resource recovery technologies as microbial risk barriers: towards safe use of excreta in agriculture based on hazard analysis and critical control point
    Wakana Oishi, Björn Vinnerås, Daisuke Sano
    Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, April 2023, 4(9), 1008-1029.
  11. 下水処理放流水の衛生学的安全管理のための環境予測微生物学的アプローチによるウイルス塩素消毒モデリング
    土木学会論文集G(環境) , 2022, 78(7), III_11-III_22.
  12. Experimental adaptation of murine norovirus to calcium hydroxide
    Wakana Oishi, Mikiko Sato, Kengo Kubota, Ryoka Ishiyama, Reiko Takai-Todaka, Kei Haga, Kazuhiko Katayama and Daisuke Sano
    Frontiers in Microbiology, March 2022, 13, 848439.
  13. COVID-19 case prediction via wastewater surveillance in a low prevalence urban community: A modeling approach
    Yifan Zhu, Wakana Oishi, Chikako Maruo, Sewwandi Bandara, Mu Lin, Mayuko Saito, Masaaki Kitajima, Daisuke Sano
    Journal of Water and Health, February 2022, 20(2), 459-470.
  14. Comparison of five polyethylene glycol precipitation procedures for the RT-qPCR based recovery of murine hepatitis virus, bacteriophage phi6, and pepper mild mottle virus as a surrogate for SARS-CoV-2 from wastewater
    Shotaro Torii, Wakana Oishi, Yifan Zhu, Ocean Thakali, Bikash Malla, Zaizhi Yu, Bo Zhao, Chisato Arakawa, Masaaki Kitajima, Akihiko Hata, Masaru Ihara, Shigeru Kyuwa, Daisuke Sano, Eiji Haramoto, Hiroyuki Katayama
    Science of the Total Environment, February 2022, 807, 150722.
  15. Predictive environmental microbiology for safe use of sanitation products in agriculture: Challenges and perspectives
    Wakana Oishi, Björn Vinnerås, Joan B. Rose, Daisuke Sano
    Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2021, 8(11), 924–931.
  16. ウイルス感染症流行制御のための下水疫学調査のエッセンス
    大石若菜、Zhu Yifan、丸尾知佳子、斉藤繭子、北島正章、佐野大輔
    水環境学会誌, 2021, 44(5), 125-133.
  17. Early warning of COVID-19 in Tokyo via wastewater-based epidemiology: How feasible it really is?
    Yifan Zhu, Wakana Oishi, Mayuko Saito, Masaaki Kitajima, Daisuke Sano
    Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 2021, 19(3), 170-183.
  18. Hierarchical Bayesian modeling for predictive environmental microbiology toward a safe use of human excreta: Systematic review and meta-analysis
    Wakana Oishi, Syun-suke Kadoya, Osamu Nishimura, Joan B. Rose, Daisuke Sano
    Journal of Environmental Management, April 2021, 284, 112088.
  19. Early warning of COVID-19 via wastewater-based epidemiology: potential and bottlenecks
    Yifan Zhu, Wakana Oishi, Chikako Maruo, Mayuko Saito, Rong Chen, Masaaki Kitajima, Daisuke Sano
    Science of the Total Environment, May 2021, 767, 145124.
  20. Viral interference as a factor of false-negative in the infectious adenovirus detection using integrated cell culture-PCR with a BGM cell line
    Daisuke Sano, Ryosuke Watanabe, Wakana Oishi, Mohan Amarasiri, Masaaki Kitajima, Satoshi Okabe
    Food and Environmental Virology, January 2021, 13, 84-91.
  21. スパース推定法と階層ベイズ推定法による環境水中ウイルス自然死滅モデルの構築
    土木学会論文集, 2020, 76(7), III_449-III_460.
  22. Inactivation kinetics modeling of Escherichia coli in concentrated urine for implementing predictive environmental microbiology in sanitation safety planning
    Wakana Oishi, Ikuo Kato, Nowaki Hijikata, Ken Ushijima, Ryusei Ito, Naoyuki Funamizu, Osamu Nishimura, Daisuke Sano
    Journal of Environmental Management, August 2020, 268, 110672.
  23. Sign constrained linear regression for prediction of microbe concentration based on water quality datasets
    Tsuyoshi Kato, Ayano Kobayashi, Wakana Oishi, Syun suke Kadoya, Satoshi Okabe, Naoya Ohta, Mohan Amarasiri, Daisuke Sano
    Journal of Water and Health, 2019, 17(3), 404-415.
  24. Identification of the inactivating factors and mechanisms exerted on MS2 coliphage in concentrated synthetic urine
    Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano, Loic Decrey, Shunsuke Kadoya, Tamar Kohn, Naoyuki Funamizu
    Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 598, 213-219.


  1. 健康を支える土木
  2. 定量・検出限界値の考え方


  1. Environmental predictive microbiology for treatment and safe use of sanitation products
    Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    Human and Environmental Security Symposium
    Tohoku University
    June 6, 2024
  2. 汚水処理の集中・分散ベストミックスのための数理的研究
  3. Onsite sanitation disinfection: A modeling approach for lime treatment of fecal matter containing viruses (poster presentation)
    Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    6th IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment
    Girona, Spain
    June 26-29, 2023
  4. Mathematical optimization of sampling sites for wastewater surveillance (poster presentation)
    Wakana Oishi, Yusuke Hara, Takamasa Iryo, Daisuke Sano
    21st International Symposium for IWA Health-Related Water Microbiology (WaterMicro23, Darwin, Australia)
    June 4-9, 2023.
  5. Hierarchical Bayesian modeling for predictive environmental microbiology towards safe resource recovery from human excreta
    Wakana Oishi, Syun-suke Kadoya, Osamu Nishimura, Daisuke Sano
    2021 International Conference on the “Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering” (CESE-2021,  online)
    Nov. 5-6, 2021.
  6. Inactivation kinetic modelling of Escherichia coli in the concentrated synthetic urine
    Wakana Oishi, Ikuo Kato, Osamu Nishimura, Daisuke Sano
    IWA Digital World Water Congress (May 24 – June 4, 2021, Online)
  7. スパース推定法と階層ベイズ推定法による環境水中ウイルス自然死滅モデルの構築
  8. Natural inactivation kinetics modeling of a waterborne enteric virus in surface water by sparse regression and hierarchical Bayesian estimation
    Wakana Oishi, Ikuo Kato, Osamu Nishimura, Daisuke Sano
    Water Environment and Technology Conference 2020 (WET2020, Nov. 7-8, 2020, Online)
  9. Gastroenteritis patient prediction based on wastewater-based epidemiology and dynamic modeling
    Yifan Zhu, Wakana Oishi, Chikako Maruo, Masaaki Kitajima, Daisuke Sano
    Water Environment and Technology Conference 2020 (WET2020, Nov. 7-8, 2020, Online)
  10. Hierarchical Bayesian modeling for predictive environmental microbiology towards safe resource recovery from human excreta
    Wakana Oishi, Shun-suke Kadoya, Osamu Nishimura, Daisuke Sano
    2nd Sustainable Waste Management Conference (Sep. 15-17, Virtual)
  11. し尿中ウイルス不活化メカニズムの解明(ポスター発表)
  12. Inactivation of pathogenic bacteria in concentrated urine
    Wakana Oishi, Rui Tezuka, Nowaki Hijikata, Ryusei Ito, Ken Ushijima, Naoyuki Funamizu
    12th specialized conference on small water and Wastewater Systems and 4th specialized conference on resource oriented sanitation
    Caledonian College of Engineering, Sultanate of Oman, Nov. 2-4, 2014
  13. Inactivation and damage to bacteriophage MS2 by ammonia in human excreta
    Wakana Oishi, Loic Decrey, Rui Tezuka, Daisuke Sano, Tamar Kohn, Naoyuki Funamizu
    11th IWA Specialist Group Conference on Wastewater Pond Technologies
    Leeds University Business School, UK, Mar. 21-23, 2016


  1. Best Research Award
    Prediction of COVID-19 cases based on various explanatory variables using
    machine learning methods
    Takehito Iizuka, Wang Luyao, Zhu Yifan, Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
    International Symposium for Food and Environmental Virology 2024 (ISFEV2024)
  2. 令和5年度建設工学研究奨励賞
  3. 令和3年度土木学会論文奨励賞
    [土木学会論文集G(環境)Vol.76, No.7, pp.III_449-III_460, 2020.]
  4. 令和3年度工学研究科長賞
  5. 日本水環境学会・博士研究奨励賞(オルガノ賞)優秀賞
  6. 感染症共生システムデザイン学際研究重点拠点「SDGS-ID若手研究者支援プロジェクト」若手研究優秀賞
    Development of a COVID-19 infection risk map in Sendai city
  7. 第57回環境工学研究フォーラム論文奨励賞